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All problems tagged Coordinate systems

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Quickname with a link to the detailed view
Complete equation for given straight line
In a straight line equation for a given line, gaps must be filled in correctly.
Coordinates of points in the coordinate system
Identify the coordinates of points on a cartesian coordinate plane.
Draw a line for a given line equation
A line equation is given, draw the respective line in a coordinate plane.
Draw shape on coordinate plane with given points
A shape is formed by connecting points in a coordinate plane that have to be marked first.
Empty coordinate plane for a custom made problem
An empty coordinate raster plane with custom text.
Mark points on a coordinate plane
Points with whole number coordinates have to be marked on a coordinate plane.
Measure length of line segment on coordinate plane
Measure the length of a given line segment on a coordinate plane.
Measure part of line segment
A line AB is given with a point C marked on it. Measure the length of AC or BC.
Measure part of line segment on coordinate plane
A line AB is given on a coordinate plane with a point C marked on it. Measure the length of AC or BC.
Name the 2d geometric shape
Name the two dimensional flat geometric shape shown
Points matched to correct coordinates
A series of points must be assigned to the correct given coordinates in the Cartesian coordinate system.
Slope to be derived from given slope triangle
The slope shall be derived from a straight line with a gradient triangle in the coordinate system.
Slope triangle to be drawn for a given line
In a coordinate system with a given straight line a slope triangle is to be drawn.
Specify equation to straight line
For a given straight line on a coordinate plane, the corresponding equation must be specified.
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