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All problems tagged Calculation rules

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Quickname with a link to the detailed view
Add and subtract times table product
Addition and subtraction of times table products
Add and subtract times table product with same factor
Addition and subtraction of times table products for a single number one to ten
Add missing line segment name for intercept theorem
In a statement of the intercept theorems the missing line segment name has to be inserted.
Binomic formula fill in blanks
Fill gaps correctly in binomic formulas
Combine like terms
Combine like terms in a sum term
Combine like terms with negated brackets
Combine like terms in a sum term and expand terms in negated brackets
Determine line segment length with intercept theorem
In application of the intercept theorem the fourth line segment length is to be calculated from three given lengths.
Distributive law - use to evaluate
Evaluate terms by multiplying out using distributive law
Distributive law: Match complex and expanded terms
Find pairs of complex terms and their corresponding expanded form.
Divisibility rules to be specified and applied
The rules on divisibility have to be specified and applied.
Division series 1x1 with factor 10
Division problem series with divisor and dividend alternating with factor ten.
Evaluate algebraic expression
A simple algebraic expression is to be evaluated, observing computational rules
Examine the elements of binomic formulas
Elements of a binomic formula and their expanded form are grouped in a table. Fill the empty spaces.
Expand and simplify binomic formula
Apply binomic formula expansion rules to simplify term.
Expand and simplify binomic formula, advanced
Apply binomic formula expansion rules to simplify term. Advanced version mit multiples of variables as summands.
Expand and simplify term, combine like terms
Expand a term with sums and products with numbers and variables. Combine like terms to simplify the result.
Extract binomic formula from term
A binomic formula is hidden in a term. Factor out the binomic formular or extract the summand.
Factorisation of terms
Factorise a term with variables
GCD computation with the Euclidean Algorithm
Compute the GCD step by step with the Euclidian Algorithm.
Insert the arithmetic operator
In an equation with two operands, insert the correct arithmetic symbol.
Insert two arithmetic operators
In an equation with three operands, insert two operators.
Intercept theorem statements right or wrong
Correct statements on the intercept theorems must be identified and marked.
lcm derived via prime factorization
The lcm is to be derived for two given numbers.
Linear equation system - Gaussian algorithm
A system of linear equations is to be solved with the Gaussian elimination method.
Match binomic formula to simplified form
Find matching terms of original and simplified binomic formulas in two lists.
Mean and median to be determined
For a series of numbers, the mean or median is to be found.
Median and mean - decide which number is which
For two given numbers for a number series, decide which is the median and which is the mean.
Median or mean value - Which one is it?
Decide whether a number is the median or mean of a given series of whole numbers.
Multiplication of negative and positive numbers
Multiplication of two negative numbers, training the rules for the product's sign.
Negative whole numbers add and subtract
Negative whole numbers are to be added and subtracted
Number wall times table products
In a number wall, products from the times tables 1-10 are to be filled in.
Product of two sums term expansion
Expand a product term which has sums with variables as factors.
Product term expansion
Expand product term with variables.
Simplify product term
A product term with number literals and variables as factors has to be simplified.
Simplify term with binomic formula, combine like terms
Simplify a term which contains a binomic formula
Solve linear equation
Solve a linear equation step-by-step by performing equivalent transformations.
Solve linear equation with distributive element
Solve a linear equation step-by-step by performing equivalent transformations.
Specify binomic formula for expanded term
A term is given which is the expanded form of a binomic formula. The original binomic formula has to be found.
Times table with factor ten
Multiplication problem series introducing factor of ten
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