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Math worksheet template "FRACEXPRED1"

This is not a ready-to-download math worksheet. It is a template, that is a preconfgured list of problems with parameters, that you can use to create your own math worksheet from. You can then change the resulting worksheet if some of the parameters need any tweaking. To use this template and create your own custom worksheet, you have to register first so you can edit worksheets. You can register and create an account in a minute - there is a free trial available. Register here, and you can use this template. There is no charge for joining and as a new member, you will get a free amount of starting credits. After registering, please choose the tab "My worksheets", then select "View templates".


Reducing and expanding fractions


Grade 6


Expansion and reduction of fractions, and converting fractions to like quantities.


This template deals with the expansion and reduction of fractions. It begins with tasks in which two fractions are to be converted to like fractions having the same denominator. Other tasks deal with single fractions that have to be reduced or expanded by a given number. Finally, a cloze where elements of fractions with the same value but different denominators are missing has the be completed.


This is what the worksheet will look like. On the left hand side, the problem type is shown with its quickname. On the right, you will see a preview of the problem. This is just a sample, as dw-math will generate a new one when you load the template. Click on the underlined problem name to jump to the problem's detail page. You can download preview worksheets and solution sheets for this problem there. Note that all problem numbers are show as one here, in the worksheet they will be numbered sequentially. The worksheet's header and footer are not shown here.

Convert fractions to like fractions

Convert multiple fractions to like quantities

Quickname: 6760
Convert fractions to like fractions

Convert multiple fractions to like quantities

Quickname: 6760
Expand fractions by given number

Fractions are to be expanded by a given number

Quickname: 1594
Reduce fractions

A fraction has to be reduced to lowest terms.

Quickname: 3766
Reduce fractions

A fraction has to be reduced to lowest terms.

Quickname: 3766
Missing elements in unlike fractions

In unlike fractions of the same value, numerators or denominators have to be filled in.

Quickname: 6652
Missing elements in unlike fractions

In unlike fractions of the same value, numerators or denominators have to be filled in.

Quickname: 6652
Missing elements in unlike fractions

In unlike fractions of the same value, numerators or denominators have to be filled in.

Quickname: 6652

These informational pages with samples describe math problems that can be combined on custom math worksheets with solutions for home and K-12 school use.
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